Monday, July 1, 2019

Grade 7 Assembly

Grade 7 Assembly

Good morning Staff, Students, Parents and Special Guests.

Today we are celebrating the Grade 7 students as they prepare to transition to high school.  Many of them have been here since kindergarten.  If you have been here since kindergarten, could you please stand and be recognized?

I want to talk to you about a challenge that many of you might face as you navigate your high school careers – and that’s the challenge of knowing the difference between belonging and fitting it.

Fitting in is about changing yourself to be like others.  It might mean wearing clothes you don’t really like to look a certain way.  It might involve being mean to someone or excluding someone who does not fit the mold.  It might mean smoking or vaping or worse – to seem cool. It’s about camouflaging your true self, in order not to stand out, but to blend in with a bunch of other people who are doing the same thing.  It takes and enormous amount of energy to sustain, and often leads to the very uncomfortable feelings.  When you compromise your own or your famliy’s values to be in the in-crowd, you not only betray those values, but you betray your uniqueness as a human being.

What can you do instead?

Surround yourself with people who like you for who you are.  Find those confident folks who are comfortable with themselves, who are not always trying to impress others.  Join a club, hang out with other musicians, play on a team, volunteer.  Even if you are shy, you can find other shy people and support and encourage one another.

So speaking of belonging, you will always belong to the McNeely school family.  You’ve been  an important  part of this herd of Mustangs, now your going off to Cambie – you’ll be Cambie Crusaders – riding mustangs.

I wish you safe travels, happy trails, and a lifetime love of learning.

Thank you.

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